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整理:老师板报网   时间:2021-03-20   评论:    卡通教师节英文手抄报感恩老师外语小报Word电子模板

  Teacher, you haveworked hard.

  Teacher, with the loftiest feelings of human beings - love, sow spring, sow ideals, sow strength...Sowing with words, plowing with chalk, watering with sweat and moistening with painstaking efforts are the lofty work of our beloved teacher. You work in the present, but build the future of the motherland; you teach in the classroom, but your achiev-ements are in all directions of the motherland.

  Impact of Teacher's Day

  The establishment of Teacher's Day symbolizes that teachers are respected by the whole society in China. This is because the work of teachers largely determines the future of China. Every Teachers'Day, teachers all over China celebrate their own festivals in different ways. Through selection and reward, introducing experience, helping to solve the practical difficulties in salary, housing, medical treatment, improving teaching conditions and so on, the enthusiasm of teachers to engage in education has been greatly improved.


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